The key success factors for 11.11 (Double eleven shopping Carnival)

November 11th, a day called ‘single’s day in China, is an entertaining festival widespread among young Chinese people to celebrate the fact that they are proud of being single. This date is chosen by Alibaba since 2009, then it has become the largest online shopping day in the world, even ‘the…

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Le moteur de recherche made in France revendique une utilisation éthique des datas en refusant de pister ses internautes. Qwant est créé en juin 2011 par Jean-Manuel Rozan et Éric Leandri. La version bêta est lancée en 2013 et une nouvelle version dotée d’un algorithme maison voit le jour en…


How social trade and customer experience have transformed the retail industry

In its last years, the retail trade has undergone many changes, notably among consumers. Indeed, the development of new technologies has radically changed the expectations of consumers and also revealed their level of demand. Today, retailers believe that the use of social trade brings a genuine community dimension to the…

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Alibaba has expanded its business in France

In France, compared to the well-known US rival Amazon, Alibaba lacks the visibility in the French public. But now, Alibaba strengthens their own advantages on the one hand, while preparing to take action. China's electricity giants Alibaba is currently testing the speed of delivery to French customers in France. Specifically,…

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How to start your e-business in dropshipping ?

You want to start an e-commerce without investing in a stock? You might be interested in dropshipping. This mode of distribution consists in selling products of a supplier and letting him deliver the buyers directly. The business model of dropshiping The principle is simple, you expose on your site a…

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The APP XunWei develops his user in London

The APP XunWei (New Savour) is an application which is developed by a student study in France. In original, he just want to help the students in Paris to find the chinese restaurants. The developers of application New Savour are trying to collect the information of theses chinese restaurants in…

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Le modèle économique de Deezer

Depuis quelques années, l’industrie de la musique a pris un tournant via le service à la demande de musique en ligne. Cette nouvelle façon de consommer la musique est en adéquation avec l’avancée des nouvelles technologies et l’augmentation du marketing prônant l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans la vie de tous…

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