How social trade and customer experience have transformed the retail industry

In its last years, the retail trade has undergone many changes, notably among consumers. Indeed, the development of new technologies has radically changed the expectations of consumers and also revealed their level of demand. Today, retailers believe that the use of social trade brings a genuine community dimension to the…

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Can We Legally Reproduce the General Terms and Conditions of Sale without Impunity?

The main purpose of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTS) is to inform the consumer about his rights regarding the terms and conditions of its online purchases. The general conditions of sale of a website are specific to the e-commerce platform. Many mentions are personalized according to the…

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Messenging as a Platform – Partie 1 : vers l’essor du modèle de messagerie en tant que plateforme de service et le déclin des applications ?

un homme regarde une application de messagerie sur son portable
Des services directement sur nos messageries instantanées

Alors que le nombre de “mobinautes” est passé de 51 à 66 pour cent de la population mondiale entre 2016 et 2017, plus de 80 pour cent des entreprises ont investi dans une application mobile pour proposer leurs services. Cependant, les utilisateurs se servent de plus en plus des messageries instantanées. Les marques l’ont bien compris puisqu’elles sont de plus en plus présentes sur ces nouveaux carrefours d’audience : le modèle de messagerie en tant que plateforme de service, ou « Messenging as a Platform » (MaaP), est déjà bien installé en Chine et commence à s’étendre en Occident.  

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Retail Store 4.0 – How Digital is quickly changing Physical Retailing

Image : Tesco Homeplus Subway Virtual Store in South Korea
Tesco Homeplus Subway Virtual Store in South Korea – (Source : Flickr – Marco Derksen)

The era of omnichannel marketing is now launched for many physical merchants—and even pure players, as Amazon has opened physical stores. Digital opens new horizons for brands, restaurants and even SMEs to create innovative customer experience and become data-driven efficient. Brick-and-mortar are shrinking, but they are still struggling.  (suite…)

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