In its last years, the retail trade has undergone many changes, notably among consumers. Indeed, the development of new technologies has radically changed the expectations of consumers and also revealed their level of demand.
Today, retailers believe that the use of social trade brings a genuine community dimension to the act of purchasing, with shared solutions such as co-shoopping.
The emergence of e-commerce is attracting more and more companies entering this new market and most of them do not hesitate to adapt their strategies to the means of communication and exchange through electronic networks. To do this, they use certain digital technologies to personalize consumer experiences and offer customers the opportunity to self-serve and immerse themselves in an exceptional experience. Indeed, this experience generally contributes to spread a good or bad image of the e-commerce site.
Each year, the higher the number of online sales, the more users’ needs and expectations evolve. It is important to understand that the Internet is a marketplace that is constantly evolving and very fast, so e-commerce is constantly growing, and is constantly evolving to adapt to consumers, who are increasingly demanding Transform the digital landscape. This means that, initially, it was up to the consumer to adapt to the new product and not the other way around, now it is no longer the case, but it is up to online merchants to adapt to the new product. Expectations of e-buyers. It is therefore a question of focusing on the customer experience by analyzing its needs and therefore its expectations and uses. This is why we must not neglect the opinions of users, their actions and their reactions, they are the keystone of all conceptions and especially in e-commerce.
ECommerce is transformed into a consumer-based, user-friendly, ready to spend much more, but they also recommend to their loved ones because sharing and opinions generate additional visits to e- trade.