Lire la suite à propos de l’article White Hat – Grey Hat – Black hat: What about a cybersecurity overview?
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White Hat – Grey Hat – Black hat: What about a cybersecurity overview?

In many movies, the hacker is portrayed as the villain of the story who only wants to steal the data and sell it on the black market. However, not all hackers are necessarily bad guys – some even protect you from potential data breaches.


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Remote work: a new ally for the recruitment world
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Remote work: a new ally for the recruitment world

With the Covid-19 pandemic and a consequent health crisis, solutions had to be implemented to revive the economy. Many companies have set up remote working for their employees. Today, remote working is perceived as a real ally for companies looking for talent. Why?


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Digital Twin: The future of health!
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Digital Twin: The future of health!

Technological advances are becoming more and more important and are aiming to disrupt our daily lives and especially our health. From artificial intelligence capable of detecting cancers to surgical robots, digital technology became essential in life sciences in order to increase human life expectancy. Recently, the digital twin became a true ally for life sciences and health.


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Digital hoarding: the new digital disease
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Digital hoarding: the new digital disease

On « TLC », there is a program called “Hoarding: Buried Alive”, where one can see people with hoarding problems, accumulating tons and tons of “trash” and all kinds of objects. Imagine that, but in the virtual world. For some people, being surrounded by information triggered a new addiction: digital hoarding.


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article ChatGpt: un futur outil de justice prédictive ?
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ChatGpt: un futur outil de justice prédictive ?

Outil très populaire auprès des internautes, ChatGpt a su se faire une place de choix au côté des « géants » moteurs de recherches, comme Google. Il a pourtant été interdit pendant un certain temps en Italie puis remis en question par certains Etats de l’Union Européenne sur sa conformité au RGPD. La nouvelle version de ChatGpt est sortie plus forte que jamais et plus compliant qu’avant (du moins, c’est ce que l’on dit).


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Les appareils connectés : de meilleurs amis à espions de notre quotidien
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Les appareils connectés : de meilleurs amis à espions de notre quotidien

Dans le cadre du nouveau projet de loi d’envergure porté par le ministre de la justice, un article fait particulièrement polémique puisqu’il viendrait, selon certains organismes, bafouer la vie privée des individus.


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