Digitalisation of the workspace : utopia for employees or illusory dreams of office-free future?

Since the global lockdowns in 2019, a new phenomenon has emerged: remote work/telecommuting/home office. The basic premise was that employees worked from a distance. Initially, this was a necessity due to the world economy being shut down for a prolonged period. However, this phenomenon is starting to dissipate as higher…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article The evolution of E-health in Africa

The evolution of E-health in Africa

The fragility of the healthcare sector In Africa, access to healthcare is a major challenge. The often fragile and underfunded healthcare systems, combined with a shortage of qualified medical personnel, exacerbate the medical situation. To address these challenges, innovation in the medical sector will offer a way to manage resources…

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Monde numérique et myopie – un nouveau défi générationnel?

La génération actuelle est une génération digitale. Aujourd'hui, une personne passe en moyenne 6h40 sur internet (selon les statistiques de WeAreSocial). Cette activité nécessite l'utilisation d'appareils dotés d'écrans qui peuvent avoir des effets néfastes sur la qualité de la vision. Les études récentes ne donnent pas de conclusion concrète sur…

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Équilibre entre innovation et éthique : le défi de la reconnaissance faciale

À l'aube de la révolution numérique, la technologie de reconnaissance faciale émerge comme l'un des développements les plus prometteurs, mais également les plus controversés. Elle est utilisée dans plusieurs domaines comme la sécurité publique, le marketing personnalisé et le médicale. Cependant, son utilisation soulève des questions éthiques importantes, notamment en…

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The benefits and risks of home automation for everyday life

Home automation is changing the way we live our everyday lives. Automated systems such as smart thermostats, connected door locks, security cameras, and voice assistants are becoming increasingly popular. According to a report by Zion Market Research, the global home automation market is expected to reach $ 79.57 billion by…

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Chloé is launching its latest collection with Digital ID to enable “instant resale” in the future

Being able to track a product all the way from the field to the finished garment, by using your phone. This is the goal of the french luxury brand Chloé.  Chloé is introducing a circular fashion initiative called Chloé Vertical, which will be a part of its upcoming Spring/Summer 2023…

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