AI in E-commerce: Innovative Progress or a Step Towards Dehumanization?

What if your shopping experience went beyond the ordinary, with your online cart becoming an intuitive guide, seamlessly adapting to your preferences? In today's AI-driven e-commerce reality, virtual aisles adjust effortlessly to your desires, yet a critical question emerges: Are we entering a retail renaissance, enhancing the shopping experience, or…

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Mediatek and Nvidia : partners for the transformation of the automotive experience

Mediatek, a Taiwanese semiconductor supplier specializing in connectivity and multimedia circuits, has teamed up with Nvidia, an American company, to create software and connected intelligent cabin solutions for the automotive industry. Indeed, at Computex 2023 in Taipei, the two groups announced that they were working together on infotainment chips for the automotive sector.


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Les ChatBots : Une nouvelle façon de communiquer avec vos clients

Il est désormais indispensable d’engager une communication pertinente répondant aux besoins du client tout au long de son parcours d’achat. Les Chabots, grâce à le machine Learning (ML) et le traitement du langage naturel (TLN), ont su utiliser l’intelligence artificielle pour fournir des solutions adaptées aux différents besoins. Avantageuses certes, elles pourraient…

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