Le paiement sans contact va-t-il céder sa place au paiement par empreinte digitale ?

Face à l’apparition des nouveaux modes de paiement, comme le paiement par Smartphones (Apple Pay), qui se démocratisent de plus en plus, la mythique carte bancaire fait une nouvelle fois peau neuve en se dotant de critères biométriques.

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L’intelligence artificielle : un nouvel allié dans la détection du cancer du sein

L’intelligence artificielle, véritable révolution et grand sujet d’actualité, occupe les esprits. Concernant la médecine, force est de constater qu’elle devient un incontournable et notamment dans la détection du cancer du sein. Grâce à l’apport du deep et du machine learning, elle permet de mieux le dépister et ainsi de pouvoir…

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How a start up created a digital recruiter to diversify the techies background.   Silicon Valley shows an archaic stereotype of programmers: young men from top Ivy League schools and who are often hired by their friends or former fraternity in the technology industry. Essentially, your pedigree is worth more…


And if the IA and machine learning allowed to better understand the babies ?

  It is the story of a mom, who after having her child, realized that she had developed the maternal capacity to understand her baby’s intentions by analyzing these crying and behavior. Soon, she was able to understand if her baby wanted to drink, to eat, or other informal information…

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Netflix and the rise of binge watching

Everyone has already found themselves in a situation where they could simply not stop watching a TV show, losing all sense of space and time. This phenomenon has a name: binge watching. It is the consumption of episodes of a TV show or movies of a saga within a limited…

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Randal Koene, the neuroscientist who’s dreaming of uploading our minds

As one of the most complex organs of the human anatomy, the brain’s exploration is far from being over. Mapping the brain is one of the major issues of science and medicine. Randal Koene has dedicated his scientific mission to the understanding of the brain.   Who is Randal Koene?…

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Short guide of politics manipulations on social media

The recent elections demonstrate the importance taken by the social networks in the political debate. From the election of Donald Trump to the vote of Brexit, the votes went against the expectations of the specialists. The social networks have undoubtedly a key role in these electoral surprises. The political communication…

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