L’importance du Trade Marketing à l’ère de la Digitalisation

À l'ère de la digitalisation, le paysage commercial a subi une transformation radicale, obligeant les entreprises à repenser leurs stratégies de marketing et de vente. Dans ce contexte en constante évolution, le Trade Marketing émerge comme un pilier essentiel pour les entreprises cherchant à rester compétitives sur le marché mondial.…

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The evolution of online consultations: exploring the e-health revolution

In recent years, the world of healthcare has undergone a significant transformation, with the advent of online consultations and the rise of e-health. This digital revolution has not only changed the way we access healthcare services but has also opened up a world of possibilities for both patients and healthcare providers. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the exciting realm of online consultations, also known as e-health, and explore the myriad benefits it offers.


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A new psychiatrist: the Artificial Intelligence ?

By 2021, more than 150 million people in the WHO European Region were facing mental health problems. The situation has worsened over the years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as access to mental health services has become more difficult, and factors such as increased stress, economic hardship, conflict and violence have highlighted the fragility of mental health.


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Les GAFAM à la conquête de l’Afrique: Une nouvelle ère de possibilités

L'Union européenne, célèbre pour sa rigueur en matière de réglementation du contenu numérique, et les contrôles fiscaux qui scrutent les GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple et Microsoft) de près, poussent ces géants de la technologie à envisager d'autres horizons. En quête d'opportunités nouvelles, ils tournent leurs regards vers l'Afrique, un…

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Remote work: a new ally for the recruitment world

With the Covid-19 pandemic and a consequent health crisis, solutions had to be implemented to revive the economy. Many companies have set up remote working for their employees. Today, remote working is perceived as a real ally for companies looking for talent. Why?


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