What nasty bacteria are living on your smartphone right now ?

It is logical to assume that the dirtiest things a person uses every day are the toilet and street shoes. Indeed, on the rim of the toilet, there is always a huge number of bacteria, among which there are many potentially dangerous ones that can cause infection. Street shoes also…

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Safeguarding FinTech with data privacy, robust cybersecurity and compliance

A pioneering FinTech startup adopts biometric authentication, not only enhancing customer data privacy but also elevating user convenience. Meanwhile, another one leverages RegTech solutions to automate compliance checks and ensure adherence to an ever-changing regulatory landscape. These are not just innovations; they are the driving force of the financial technology…

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La visioconférence : quid des bonnes pratiques

Avec l'arrivée de la pandémie de Covid-19, la visioconférence s'est rapidement imposée comme un outil essentiel dans le monde des affaires. Cependant, cette popularité a également soulevé des inquiétudes quant à la sécurité des données échangées lors de ces réunions virtuelles. En 2020, Zoom, l'une des applications de visioconférence les…

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