Ensuring privacy while maximizing vacation fun

  Nowadays, in this globalized and connected world of cellphones, where we use apps like Waze, Google Maps, and Apple Maps, we have seen how these applications have revolutionized the way we plan our trips and navigate the roads all over the globe. However, behind the convenience and accuracy they…

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Les GAFAM à la conquête de l’Afrique: Une nouvelle ère de possibilités

L'Union européenne, célèbre pour sa rigueur en matière de réglementation du contenu numérique, et les contrôles fiscaux qui scrutent les GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple et Microsoft) de près, poussent ces géants de la technologie à envisager d'autres horizons. En quête d'opportunités nouvelles, ils tournent leurs regards vers l'Afrique, un…

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Cybercriminality Trend : The fake cop scam

One type of cyberattack is trending for hackers. It is fake emergency data requests usually sent by law enforcement. In other words, it is a mixture of phishing and the fake police or investigator scam. What is it really? Law enforcement agencies often request data from social platforms as part…

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