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Businesswoman using VR headset at work. Wears formal wear.

Transforming future workstations with virtual reality!

Will our future workplaces be entirely digital? The world of work is undergoing major upheavals, particularly since the crisis in the covid and the acceleration in the development of new technologies. Hybrid working has accentuated these upheavals, and telecommuting is now universally accepted as a way of improving working conditions…

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Naviguer entre les risques sur la santé mentale à travers la réalité immersive

On entend souvent parler des contributions positives de la réalité immersive dans le domaine de la santé humaine, de ses possibilités infinies pour l'avenir... Malheureusement, nous allons aujourd'hui explorer les problèmes de santé mentale qu'elle présente. Alors que la technologie offre une expérience très immersive aux utilisateurs, l'émergence récente du…

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L’avenir d’Internet : les NFT et le métavers

L'avenir d'Internet est un endroit passionnant et incertain. À mesure que le nombre de personnes utilisant Internet augmente, la demande de données augmente également. Cet article ne traite pas de ce que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas faire avec les NFT et le métavers, mais plutôt de fournir une…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article While hospitals set foot in the metaverse, confidentiality and ethical questions arise
Photo by Michael Berdyugin on

While hospitals set foot in the metaverse, confidentiality and ethical questions arise

After Dubai hosted its first wedding in the metaverse, it recently inaugurated its first medical facility in this virtual dimension. Currently a popular subject, the metaverse has been discussed extensively in terms of how it can transform the work environment, social interactions, business and even the leisure field. However, there hasn’t been much discussion of how it might impact the healthcare industry, despite the fact that this is another area where it could have a seismic effect while futuristic hospitals enter this realm.


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Japan’s Smart Tourism

A virtual experience in the era of a global pandemic   The COVID-19 pandemic had and is having a serious impact on the tourism industry worldwide. Japan is no exception.    In 2019, the country welcomed 14.6 million international tourists, arriving by air or by sea, making it the seventh…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article From SixDegrees to Metaverse: the (r)evolution of social media
Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels

From SixDegrees to Metaverse: the (r)evolution of social media

(Image source) Once upon a time, social networks were just a way of connecting with family, friends and co-workers online. But with the frenetic evolution of the Internet and technology in general, the paradigm of social media has changed drastically over time and is currently setting the tone for future…

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