The United States can watch all the actions of users. A U.S. secret surveillance Internet program, called XKeyscore gives the possibility to the U.S. intelligence to follow almost every “normal user” on the network, according to documents released Wednesday by the British newspaper “The Guardian”.
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The contents of e-mails or the access to the browsing history of particular persons reveal that XKeyscore has controlled in real-time a lot of conversations on Facebook. It is also important to mention the role of metadata. At the one side it is easy to explain that visual XKeyscore had only monitored « almost every typical user on the Internet.” At the other side, the consequences of this surveillance are evident: all the information is viewed by analysts working for the NSA.
On the root of the “Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act”, “Intelligence authorities” can supervise U.S. citizens without being authorized. But the target could be hidden using other contacts and resources. The Guardian explains, however, that the simplicity of the interface may partly help to overcome a part of legal constraints.
XKeyscore has presented as an extraordinary program, based on 500 servers around the world, including China, Russia or Venezuela. According to visual publishing by the website data, the Database is easily exploitable by NSA agents.
The NSA agents have an interface that permits a search entering the name, the phone number and other IP addresses. According to NSA, XKeyscore have led to the arrest of 300 terrorists since 2008. The information collections are of such magnitude that the authority could not afford to keep the data at a long term. The Guardian explains that the contents would be kept between 3 and 5 days, against 30 days for metadata. A document says that the delay is sometimes reduced to 24 hours, especially when the data collects over 20 terabytes per day.