Le projet OneWeb

En lançant son nouveau projet baptisé One Web, Greg Wyler a amélioré son idée ingénieuse de départ pour laquelle travaille encore l’entreprise O3B, le but de cette idée est de permettre l’accès à Internet avec un prix abordable partout dans le monde, en particulier les endroits qui n’ont pas encore…

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Trends that will shape the future of ecommerce

The world of e-commerce is undergoing a wave of innovation. Technology plays an important role on this, but it is not the only one. With the evolution of consumer behaviors and expectations, new business models are rising and that is about to change the future of e-commerce. Today's e-commerce consumers are…

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Facebook Drones vs Google Drones to connect the world

Google Drones : With the idea of ​​offering internet access to areas with no or poorly served and no connectivity, and creating new growth drivers, the Mountain View firm acquired Skybox (a manufacturer of microsatellites) and the company Titan Aerospace (a manufacturer of pre-orbital devices) to offer global Internet access. Solar-powered…

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World Robot Summit (WRS) 2020

The news is now solemnly confirmed and detailed, the World Robot Summit (WRS) will be held in October 2020 in Japan. An announcement made in autumn 2016 by the Japanese Government confirmed the information. To give one light-hearted fact, the Land of the Rising Sun will also host the same year both the Robotic and the Summer Olympics. (suite…)

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Le futur concept de livraison d'Amazon : le projet “Prime Air“

Et si les futures livraisons s’effectuaient en quelques minutes par voie aérienne?  L’idée n’est pas bête, la livraison aérienne est sans doute la prochaine évolution de la livraison. Effectivement notre société se voulant toujours de plus en plus tournée vers le progrès technologique, la livraison par drone représente un progrès…

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The FAA forces owners of UAS and drones to register in the USA

The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America makes mandatory the registration of drones and UAS. Both are subjected to the same legislation. The FAA defines precisely what is concerned in a PDF document : « Unmanned aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds and more than 0.55 pounts (250…

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