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If you had got rid of the way of sofa potato, and fortunately you got a PC beside you, I presume you had definitely watched thousand of video online. Don’t be nervous; what I want to say is just you must to know about the 15 seconds ads before the video. This pattern of ads that has a fashion name: “In video ads” (which can’t be tear away).
In-video ads has apparently his advantage: strong sense of story and force to watch. Nevertheless, without doubt more of us thought his less interactivity is a big disadvantage.
Focus on it: the creator of Ishock, PENG Wen, thinks that nowadays the most adapted technique in this field is to enrich the contents and especially the form that the in-video ads reveals. Base on the in-video ads, click on the product photo, for example playing a car ads, the user can choose the logo which hovers in front of the screen. After one or two seconds, more details such as the configuration and the interior design will appear. Such techniques can extend the residence time of an ads, reaching an effect that strongly interact with low cost. PENG Wen calls it : Ishock”.
He said this interactivities can be not only limited in photo, video or words, but also has a broad land to dig. Distribute electronic coupons, customize interactive games, learn new feature are all available ways.
In order to make all of them small and practical, there are some key points to solve. Firstly, it should be convenient in volume, in order to be integrated in video. Ishock control the interactive ads within 2M which occupies much less resources in comparison with his competitors: rich media.
PENG Wen said that in North American, this in-video ads becomes more and more popular. “We can find this “fashion” on youtube and hulu”. He also contacted some advertising companies in China and they all showed some interest, but when ishock really came out, they didn’t know if the market had an sufficient innovative vitality.
Therefore, he intends to invite hundred of companies to join in a product promotion, as long as 10% advertising companies (advertisers) have intention to invest in ishock, it means that a high number of participants will take part of this event (bandwagon effect).
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