Le Nasdaq à l’européenne

Le Nasdaq à l’européenne Le mardi 7 juin 2022, Euronext - opérateur boursier paneuropéen, a annoncé la création de l’indice Euronext Tech Leaders, équivalent au Nasdaq américain. Cet indice regroupera des entreprises à fortes croissances et des licornes. Image par Ralphs_Fotos de Pixabay Attendu depuis longtemps, l’indice Euronext Tech Leaders…

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Eurobilltracker: Follow your Euro notes in their tracks!

Since more than 12 years, this Finnish website offer you to track your banknotes within the world. The purpose of this non-profit association is only to follow the path of European banknotes, for fun.
Art 8 - image 1 In 2002, 11 European countries abandoned their national currencies for the Euro. Since Latvia joined the euro-zone on the first of January 2014, there are now 18 countries which are officially using this currency.
In 1998, an American website called “Where’s George?” was created, in order to allow people to track their US dollars notes. A similar website was created here after for the Canadian dollar, and in 2002, Eurobilltracker arose, in order to offer the same service with European banknotes.

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Sudden rise of the virtual money “Bitcoin”

Euros, Dollars…the powerful currencies in the world are in a trusted crisis. These situations create a lot of uncertainty among people and some of them prefer trust the virtual currency “Bitcoin”. With the years the value of this new type of money has strongly increased.
What is « Bitcoin »?
The Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized digital currency created in 2009 by a developer known under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It is based on an open source solution of peer to peer internet protocol. You can directly exchange your Bitcoins from your personal computer without a financial intermediate. Indeed this currency is distributed on the nodes of the network and uses a strong security with cryptography process. Everything is done to avoid the dependence from one central emitter.
Why this phenomena?
The main advantages of the Bitcoins are the anonymity for the payment and the apolitical nature of the currency. To pay something, you must use a dedicated software using cryptography keys. The money is transferred from a Bitcoin account to another. With the loss of trust and the fluctuation on the actual values (gold, national currencies…), more and more people are using Bitcoins. Recently a Canadian have released his house for 405 000 dollars or…6 750 Bitcoins (at the rate of 1 Bitcoin for 60 Dollars). He hopes to be the first to realize a property transaction with this currency.

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