Since more than 12 years, this Finnish website offer you to track your banknotes within the world. The purpose of this non-profit association is only to follow the path of European banknotes, for fun.
In 2002, 11 European countries abandoned their national currencies for the Euro. Since Latvia joined the euro-zone on the first of January 2014, there are now 18 countries which are officially using this currency.
In 1998, an American website called “Where’s George?” was created, in order to allow people to track their US dollars notes. A similar website was created here after for the Canadian dollar, and in 2002, Eurobilltracker arose, in order to offer the same service with European banknotes.
How does it work?
This website is very easy to use. You just have to open your wallet, and check your notes. Each one has a unique serial number, stating in which country it was printed, in which Government printing office, and when. Your bill’s serial number starts with a U? It means that your note is from France. X is for Germany, while Y is for Greece.
Then, when you log on this website, you can add your notes and you will automatically know where they come from, but you will also know if another user already spotted it elsewhere. For instance, there is one 5€ note which was spotted in New Zealand in 2014, which means that this note did an 18.596km journey! More than 700.000 notes have been reported at least twice on this website, for a total value of more than 2 billion euros.
Then, the more users and banknotes there are, the more interesting it becomes. And with 180.000 users, this website has grew consistently since its birth. Germans are from far the most active users, probably also because they do not use credit cards as often as we do in France. Anyway, France ranks number 8, after Portugal, and before Spain.
In 2008, this website turned into an association, in order to keep a control on the intellectual property of this website, promote it and to keep it free of charge. It remains independent from any national organisation, and does not have any link with the European Central Bank.
If you want to take a look, you can access this website by following this link: who knows, perhaps your bills are already in their database?