When you thought that invisibility cloaks belong to the fantastic world, you were wrong. It is now possible for us, Muggles, to become invisible!
Admit it you already dreamed of becoming invisible, especially when something awkward is happening, or just because you would like to know what people really think about you!
Well today there are three ways that could fulfil your desire.
Scientists of the University of Tokyo have created a cloak of invisibility! It is simple; this technology is based on the natural phenomenon that creates mirages. For now the technology is not perfect.
Carbon nanotube, from the UTD NanoTech Institute, is heated via electrical stimulation. The heat created is so high that there is a sharp difference of temperature between the cloak and the surrounding area. The gradient of temperature is high and the light bends away from the person who wears the cloak!
Amazing isn’t it? The only problem you guess, is that you should love the heath and to sweat.
Another way to become invisible exists! This time we will use metamaterials. These metamaterials can guide the light’s ray around an object. But it only works on 2 dimensions and on very small object (10mm).
There is another way to become invisible, and for that we can thank Michio Kaku from the University of Tokyo who unveils his design for a workable invisibility cloak.
Here, the technology is an optical camouflage, it is inspired by the same principles of the green screen used by weather forecast channels and in the movies.
How does it work? You must film what is behind you and project it on you when you’re wearing the invisibility cloak.
A few days ago chinese scientists made a goldfish and a cat vanish from our sight and reappear by using a new light bending technology!
Even if for the moment these technologies are only prototypes, it might rejoice some of us.