Technology and autism: Innovations in Communication for Non-Verbal Individuals

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has a very broad spectrum that means that not every single person diagnosed is the same, but they’re actually single in different ways, and contrary to popular belief, non-verbal individuals are not actually diagnosed as such. Instead, it is a designation given to a subset of…

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L’utilisation de la Blockchain au-delà des Cryptomonnaies

Imaginez un monde où chaque transaction, chaque échange d'informations, chaque partage de données est sécurisé, transparent et sans intermédiaires. Ce monde n'est plus une fiction, grâce à la blockchain. Souvent perçue comme l'épine dorsale des cryptomonnaies, cette technologie va bien au-delà, s'immisçant dans nos vies de manière inattendue et innovante.…

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Helping paralyzed patients to speak again

Nature, 23 August 2023, researchers from the University Club of San Francisco and Berkeley published the results of their new brain-computer interface (BCI). This technology allows a paralyzed patient to speak again through an avatar. The system that detects words and facial expressions delivers the most capable tool for helping…

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Innovations in education in Africa

Education in Africa is a crucial issue closely tied to the health and living conditions of children. However, the quality and performance of education need improvement in the region. It's concerning that less than half of the children master the basics of reading, and a quarter of those reaching primary…

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Learning in the digital age: the education revolution

The rise of digital technologies has disrupted nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we learn and acquire knowledge. Learning in the digital age has opened up exciting new possibilities, offering increased access to education, personalized learning, and opportunities for educational innovation. In this article, we will explore how…

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