Helping paralyzed patients to speak again

Nature, 23 August 2023, researchers from the University Club of San Francisco and Berkeley published the results of their new brain-computer interface (BCI). This technology allows a paralyzed patient to speak again through an avatar. The system that detects words and facial expressions delivers the most capable tool for helping…

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Artificial Intelligence Drones Vs. Deforestation

  There is no such secret as mass deforestation, caused by overpopulation, or wildfires. As we know, new technologies are always helping to improve our life by making the tasks easier or by doing them better. This time, technology will serve for our planet. An American Start-Up launches their first…

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L’intelligence artificielle au service des espèces menacées (Partie 2)

Vers un meilleur suivi des animaux Nous avons coutume de dire qu’il vaut toujours mieux prévenir que guérir. À ce titre il est nécessaire de surveiller attentivement nos animaux. Certains l’ont bien compris, comme Microsoft qui investit 50 millions de dollars dans les années à venir pour l’environnement et notamment…

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The Blockchain and the Trusted Third Parties

According to the national federation of the Trusted third parties, a Trusted third party is an actor for developing trust in digital world that occurs in the protection of identity, files, transactions and digital memory. It is the power to trust each other without know each other. It reinvents the…

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Nimb is a smart ring with a panic button that helps you feel safe by secretly notifying preset contacts when you are in trouble

The Nimb Ring, which includes a panic button, is a perfect solution for those who have ever been in an unsafe situation and understand that creeping sensation of dread or worry that no one may help you. This smart ring sends immediately an emergency alert through the Nimb mobile app…

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Apple on the road of augmented reality

All the Internet giants have embarked on the race of innovation in augmented reality, seeing it as the future disruptive technology. The smartphone stagnant in the market curves, giants are interested in this new technology, they even say that augmented reality will replace smartphones in the future. Apple is not…

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Smart Contracts in Insurance

Insurance sector is, as many others, affected by the development of new technologies. Indeed, the Blockchain technology promises to revolutionize the world of insurance by the use of smart contract, executed on a blockchain, to automate the execution of insurance contracts.

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