There is no such secret as mass deforestation, caused by overpopulation, or wildfires. As we know, new technologies are always helping to improve our life by making the tasks easier or by doing them better. This time, technology will serve for our planet.
An American Start-Up launches their first massive project “DroneSeed” that will help fight deforestation. This project will be tested on a regional level, but further, maybe it can be implemented in a more “global” point of view.
DroneSeed designed Quadcopter Drones that are assembled with LiDAR, which can be used to make a digital three-dimensional representation of the area, and a Multispectral Camera that analyzes the characteristics of the vegetation and soil. Instead of regularly seeds, “DroneSeed”drones will drop special capsules that contain not only seeds but also nutrients. These capsules are treated with a special caustic substance to protect the growing plant from insects or birds.
These Drones are a solution to automatize a job that can be dirty or dangerous for human. Owing to the algorithm based on biological engineering and A.I., this technology will allow to calculate where it is worth planting tree seeds – so the forest ecosystem boosts’ better and faster without human intervention.
DroneSeed has already received a federal license and handled numerous tests together with Forest Administration from California. In December, the company plans to begin the restoration of burnt wood on a commercial basis.

A propos de Nicoleta TEPORDEI