VALCRI ou l’intelligence artificielle au service de l’analyse criminelle

VALCRI, c’est quoi ? VALCRI, pour « visual analytics for sense-making in criminal intelligence analysis », est un projet financé sur fonds européens dans le cadre du programme de recherche Horizon2020. Il s’agit d’un outil qui utilise une intelligence artificielle dans le but d’accélérer les enquêtes criminelles de police, « d’améliorer leur…

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A substantial European Commission’s fine looming over Google

Android’s dominant position on the market helped Google to abuse and to promote their own services and apps, while imposing severe conditions over mobile network operators and manufacturers and thus, brushing aside competitors’ solutions. The EC sees this as an infringement of the EU Competition Law.       After…

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The Unsolved Puzzle Called Personal Data Protection

On February 2, 2016, the EU Commission and the United States reached an agreement on a new framework with the objective to reestablish the flow of personal data across the Atlantic. One week later, the American Senate passed the Judicial Redress Act that will allow EU citizens to bring their…

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