Proposition de la loi “Résilience” : un premier pas solide vers la transposition de la directive NIS 2

Le contexte : La directive NIS 2 a été proposée par la Commission européenne le 16 décembre 2020. La nomenclature de la proposition indique parfaitement les objectifs de cette nouvelle législation européenne, à savoir "Proposition de DIRECTIVE DU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ET DU CONSEIL concernant des mesures destinées à assurer un…

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Digitalisation of the workspace : utopia for employees or illusory dreams of office-free future?

Since the global lockdowns in 2019, a new phenomenon has emerged: remote work/telecommuting/home office. The basic premise was that employees worked from a distance. Initially, this was a necessity due to the world economy being shut down for a prolonged period. However, this phenomenon is starting to dissipate as higher…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Transforming future workstations with virtual reality!
Businesswoman using VR headset at work. Wears formal wear.

Transforming future workstations with virtual reality!

Will our future workplaces be entirely digital? The world of work is undergoing major upheavals, particularly since the crisis in the covid and the acceleration in the development of new technologies. Hybrid working has accentuated these upheavals, and telecommuting is now universally accepted as a way of improving working conditions…

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AI and hiring processes

On the last few years AI has taken a huge portion of interest from most people, notably by with the growth of AI systems such as ChatGPT. Although AI systems can be very helpfull to most people on their daily life and personal projects, it can also have some negative…

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Should We Unplug from Digital Technology? A Deep Dive into the Environmental Impact and the Case for Refurbishment

In the age of instant connectivity, digital technology has become an integral part of our lives. From browsing the internet and filing taxes to streaming movies and connecting with friends, we rely on a vast array of electronic devices to navigate our daily routines. However, behind the sleek screens and…

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