It’s not science fiction anymore; the RFID1 microchip implanted under human skin is a reality. The implant is the size of a grain of rice and is located between the thumb and the index finger, it can replace an access badge (in Belgium), ease the payments in a nightclub (in Spain) or even geotag the police (Mexico).

The RFID chip, a futuristic practice
The RFID microchip is, according to some tech-savvy people, at the forefront of human evolution. This chip, mainly used for entertainment purposes, aims to simplify everyday life. It allows the user to replace electronic badges or even contain a business card, his medical record, reward cards …
Some cities like London, Hamburg, Munich or even Moscow are developing various projects around the subdermal chip, mainly revolving around public transportation.
However, one technical issue appears: you need more than just the chip to access everything. It still needs the system to be compatible.
The psychological barrier
Is the chip so innocuous? The implantation of such object raises concern. The fear of a widespread policing and tracking is in everyone’s mind. Indeed, the chips are bound to contain various information and their reading by malicious people can be a critical issue.
Therefore, as of today, it is difficult to imagine that such chips could replace our ID documents or public transportations card in the near future. It should be put into perspective that the extent of this phenomenon stays, for the moment, confined to a very restricted group of individuals. Indeed, as of today, the RFID chips mainly get the techies excited.
(1) RFID :Radio Frequency Identification

A propos de Marie TSOUKALAS