The huge growth of this tool makes it very important concerning the economic development and innovation. Indeed, the impressive involvement of the Internet community is a crucial issue for the entrepreneur. It lets them reach a bigger market for their products, and upgrade their chances to successfully fund their project.
To achieve your goal, I will try to expose you some good tips you could follow.
State of Crowdfunding in the world
In 2014, crowdfunding market represented 16.2 billion dollars to 6.1 billion in 2013. Some experts expect that this market will reach to 30 billion dollars by the end of 2015.
In Europe, the impact of crowdfunding is less important than in the US. Indeed, this financial tool represented 3 billion euros in 2014. But the European governments try to legislate on this new phenomenon, to gain market shares.
10 Advices to lead your campaign
That is why with some successfully campaigns, we can underline some good behaviours/practices to follow. This list is not a complete one. But, if you follow these advice, you will drastically increase your chances to have good results with crowdfunding. These are 10 points you should respect :
- Your product/service needs to solve a problem,
- You need to think about your project earlier than the moment you launch your campaign (Business plan, market studies, …),
- You need to choose widely your crowdfunding platform,
- You need to do a short campaign,
- You need to aim low,
- You need to make an adapted video,
- You need to pay attention to you E-Reputation,
- You need to be cautious with your community, and to adapt the way you communicate with it,
- You need to manage your presence on social network,
- Don’t forget to thank the community, and to make great rewards for those who fund you.
At least, these advice are not the only issues concerning crowdfunding. As we said earlier, a specific legal framework does not exist for crowdfunding. So, first country which will have the best fiscal framework will take more market shares.
Jean-Laurent Lienhardt
Etudiant du Master 2 Droit de l’économie numérique de l’Université de Strasbourg. Autoentrepreneur dans les domaines de la comptabilité et du business consulting. Impliqué dans la recherche concernant le « Crowdfunding », je tâche d’appréhender les impacts sociaux, légaux et économiques de l’usage des nouvelles technologiques…