Innovations in education in Africa

Education in Africa is a crucial issue closely tied to the health and living conditions of children. However, the quality and performance of education need improvement in the region. It's concerning that less than half of the children master the basics of reading, and a quarter of those reaching primary…

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Le Stück, la monnaie citoyenne strasbourgeoise

Une nouvelle forme locale de l’argent a été lancé à Strasbourg pour stimuler les dépenses locales et encourager les entreprises à l’égard des pratiques loyales et éthiques. Appelée le stück (qui signifie «pièce» dans la langue alsacienne) la monnaie a été officiellement lancé le 3 Octobre 2015 dans la capitale alsacienne. A l’heure actuelle environ 600 personnes sont en possession de cette nouvelle monnaie et vont l’utiliser pour acheter des biens et services auprès des entreprises locales qui, à leur tour feront l’achat de biens et services auprès de fournisseurs locaux. En cas de succès, en utilisant la stück, cela va créer un effet «multiplicateur positif», en gardant les dépenses dans la zone locale.

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The Chinese economy from 1970 to 1984

Currently China tries to become the world’s largest economy thanks to its new economic model. According to a report that was published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2020 China could become the first economic giant with nearly half the world’s economic output and GDP rate of 20 billion dollars. A model that has been founded by Deng XIAOPING (general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and architect of the economic reform of China), in 1992, he implemented a policy frequently referred to under the socialist market economy name, insofar as it combines elements of the Maoist era (authoritarian political control of the economy, proactive industrialization plans and major projects) and some economic liberalism. This ideological synthesis allows China to gradually open its economy while maintaining its political system.

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10 Advice you will follow to succeed your Crowdfunding campaign

The huge growth of this tool makes it very important concerning the economic development and innovation. Indeed, the impressive involvement of the Internet community is a crucial issue for the entrepreneur. It lets them reach a bigger market for their products, and upgrade their chances to successfully fund their project.

To achieve your goal, I will try to expose you some good tips you could follow.

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