On the 13th of January 2014, the English government launched the Cyber Streetwise campaign as part of the government’s National Cyber Security programm. Its goal is to prevent people from cyber attacks by giving them advices on how to protect their personnal information.
According to Security Minister James Brokenshire : « The internet has radically changed the way we work and socialise. It has created a wealth of opportunities, but with these opportunities there are also threats. As a government we are taking the fight to cyber criminals wherever they are in the world. However, by taking a few simple steps while online the public can keep cyber criminals out and their information safe. Cyber Streetwise is an innovative new campaign that will provide everyone with the knowledge and confidence to make simple and effective changes to stay safe online. »


The campaign has been realised by M&C Saatchi Group. Its chairman Tim Duffy defines the campaign as : “one of the most relevant public information campaigns of our time. In cyberstreetwise.com we have created a campaign idea that is as flexible as it is powerful. The success of the campaign will be more and more people in Britain knowing how to be secure online and as a consequence helping to build an even stronger British economy.”
The campaign is based on a humoristic parallel made between real life and virtual life behaviours.
Once on the website, net surfer can choose between « Protect your home » giving tips on how to protect your personal data in your everyday life and « Protect your business » giving advice on how to secure business information online.
The website www.cyberstreetwise.com is a serious game representing a street. By clicking on characters and doors, anyone can receive advices on how to protect their information in different situation. Many online resources (such as videos, tests, games…) give people the capacity to secure their cyber life.
No time to play ? You can find all the essential tips in the Cyber Streetwise newspaper.
If you have a question about your cyber security, you can directly contact Cyberstreet Wise on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cyberstreetwise and/or follow them on Twitter: @cyberstreetwise.
So are you Cyber Streetwise ?
Étudiante en Master 2 Droit de l’Economie Numérique de l’Université de Strasbourg. Porte un intérêt particulier aux impacts sociétaux des nouvelles technologies et au droit des jeux vidéo/serious games.
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