Valeur probante d'un document : le coffre-fort électronique ou le document papier

Les services de coffres-forts électroniques consistent en un espace de stockage sécurisé, accessible sur internet, permettant de stocker des documents électroniques sous différents types de format (textes, photos, documents papier numérisés, etc.).
coffre-fort-numerique-cnil_ Le MondeCe type de service constituant un traitement de données au sens de la loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, peut-être gratuit Ou payant. (suite…)

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WeatherFlow Wind Meter – a chic accessory for your smartphone

World of accessories for smartphones are increasingly growing and with them we unexpectedly expand the usefulness of smartphones. WeatherFlow is a useful smartphone accessory for measuring wind. WeatherFlow Wind Meter costs $34.95, looks chic and according to its creators has a very high accuracy in the measurement of wind speed.…

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Console OS will change the way you use your Windows PC and Android

Operating systems have recently become smarter and more practical, as the leaders in this industry are Android OS, iOS and Windows OS. Now a new operating system that looks quite promising rises on the scene. Console OS is a new project that has not yet been officially released, and the…

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Pourquoi Google change vos titres dans les résultats de recherche

Tout le monde connait l’importance du titre de la page dans les résultats de recherche de Google. Un bon titre peut entraîner une hausse des clics et plus de trafic vers votre site, tout comme un titre mal conçu peut amener les gens à aller sur les sites de vos concurrents.
Alors, comment Google déterminer exactement ce qu’il va utiliser comme titre de votre page dans les résultats de recherche ? Est-t’il l’influencé par certains titres (H1 ou H2S) ?
Dans ça dernier vidéo pour les webmasters, Matt Cutts de chez Google explique pourquoi Google change vos titres.


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The digital single market

The Single Market is one of the main achievements of the European Union. It allows the removal of barriers and the simplification of rules to achieve its goal of free movement of goods, persons, services and capital.
Flag_of_Europe - wikipedia“The Digital Single Market is a huge potential,” according to Michel Barnier, the European Commission, responsible for Internal Market and Services.
The European Union frankly admits encourage the development of electronic commerce within the Single Market is one of the key areas to make the most competitive and most dynamic in the world. Indeed, cross-border e-commerce can benefit both consumers and businesses. This is a significant potential to increase the European economy. The financial and economic crisis has hit all economies and across all sectors. The single market is an asset to boost the economy of the Member States. Thus, “if the e-commerce accounted for 15% of total European trade – instead of the current 5% – this would result in 1.7% extra growth per year” according to Michel Barnier. (suite…)

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The Cyber Streetwise campaign

On the 13th of January 2014, the English government launched the Cyber Streetwise campaign as part of the government’s National Cyber Security programm. Its goal is to prevent people from cyber attacks by giving them advices on how to protect their personnal information.
According to Security Minister James Brokenshire : « The internet has radically changed the way we work and socialise. It has created a wealth of opportunities, but with these opportunities there are also threats. As a government we are taking the fight to cyber criminals wherever they are in the world. However, by taking a few simple steps while online the public can keep cyber criminals out and their information safe. Cyber Streetwise is an innovative new campaign that will provide everyone with the knowledge and confidence to make simple and effective changes to stay safe online. »!/street!/street

The campaign has been realised by M&C Saatchi Group. Its chairman Tim Duffy defines the campaign as : “one of the most relevant public information campaigns of our time. In we have created a campaign idea that is as flexible as it is powerful. The success of the campaign will be more and more people in Britain knowing how to be secure online and as a consequence helping to build an even stronger British economy.” (suite…)

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Le paiement bancaire par l'authentification de la voix

Selon les chiffres de l’Observatoire de la sécurité des cartes de paiement, rendu public cet été, le montant des fraudes à la carte bancaire est passé de 450,2 millions d’euros en 2012 à 469,9 millions d’euros en 2013.
Credit-cards_ WikipédiaDe nouveaux dispositifs vont être mis en place afin de sécuriser les transactions en ligne tels que l’authentification par la voix ou l’empreinte digitale. (suite…)

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