The Single Market is one of the main achievements of the European Union. It allows the removal of barriers and the simplification of rules to achieve its goal of free movement of goods, persons, services and capital.
“The Digital Single Market is a huge potential,” according to Michel Barnier, the European Commission, responsible for Internal Market and Services.
The European Union frankly admits encourage the development of electronic commerce within the Single Market is one of the key areas to make the most competitive and most dynamic in the world. Indeed, cross-border e-commerce can benefit both consumers and businesses. This is a significant potential to increase the European economy. The financial and economic crisis has hit all economies and across all sectors. The single market is an asset to boost the economy of the Member States. Thus, “if the e-commerce accounted for 15% of total European trade – instead of the current 5% – this would result in 1.7% extra growth per year” according to Michel Barnier. (suite…)