La Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne consacre le droit à l’oubli numérique

Par un arrêt en date du 13 mai 2014, la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne vient de préciser que l’exploitant d’un moteur de recherche sur Internet est responsable du traitement des données à caractère personnel qu’il effectue  et qui apparaissent sur des pages web publiées par des tiers. De ce fait, à la suite d’une recherche effectuée à partir du nom d’une personne, la personne concernée peut s’adresser directement aux moteurs de recherche afin de demander la suppression du lien faisant mention de son nom de la liste de résultats. La page en question ne sera pas supprimée mais simplement désindexée.
Google - Droit à l'oubli
En l’espèce, à la différence de l’affaire Mosley qui demandait la suppression de photos intimes pouvant porter atteinte à son honneur ou à sa dignité et diffusées sans son consentement, la réclamation de l’internaute espagnol auprès de l’Autorité espagnole de protection des données concernait la suppression et la désindexation de deux articles de presse évoquant ses dettes. L’internaute espagnol demandait qu’il soit ordonné à Google de supprimer ou d’occulter ses données personnelles afin qu’elles disparaissent des résultats de recherche et des liens de l’éditeur de presse en ligne. Tandis que l’autorité espagnole de protection des données a rejeté la réclamation contre l’éditeur en lien considérant que ce dernier avait  légalement publié l’information en cause, elle a demandé  à Google de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour désindexer les données en cause et les rendre inaccessibles à l’avenir. Faisant suite à cette décision, Google  décide de former un recours devant  l’Audiencia Nacional, Haut tribunal espagnol, juridiction  qui a déféré une série de questions à la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne. (suite…)

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Contactless technology, a true technological revolution

To pay with a credit card or a smartphone, will be possible in a few months in Europe with contactless technology. What are the consequences for our daily lives? What security problems will appear with these new cards? What are the benefits for consumers?
Launched in 2010 in France, a new means of payment is conquering consumers, contactless payment with a credit card or a smartphone. In 2013, approximately eight million contactless transactions were recorded in France, and this number is constantly growing.
So, what are the advantages and shortcomings of contactless payment? How does this technology work?   Is this method successful beyond our borders?
Today in some stores in Paris, it is possible to pay without contact. For a payment of less than 20 Euros, no need to type the code,transactions can be up to two times faster and it avoids having to go to the ATM because even very small amounts are accepted.
There is no minimum amount in this type of payment.A trader need not necessarily have the money or have a credit card, because everything is in his phone. (suite…)

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One plus one, a formidable competitor for smartphones will soon be available on the market

Suffering already of an aggressive and unfair competition, the giants of smartphones must face the arrival of a new competitor on their growing market.
One plus one, a new important competitor for smartphones.
One plus one is a smartphone in the range high – range but sold in attractive prices much less than the actual prices on the market without falling into the law cost segment.
It is true that Chinese brands are perceived by many people like low cost but one plus one, this new brand wants to change this label attributed to many Chinese brands by creating a brand of strong quality and very attractive products. (suite…)

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Anonymous data : How “anonymous” are they really ?

Problems relating to what data/images/information can be considered as anonymous is one of the major data protection issues of privacy law having an impact in any sector including the Internet of Things and e-health.
In general, anonymous data can be defined by virtue of the method of collection that can never reasonably be connected with the person providing them. This can be accomplished by questionnaires that are returned by mail, questionnaires that are collected by one of a group of subjects and returned to the researcher, or internet surveys. The Article 29 Working Party, a consultancy body of the European Commission on data protection matters, issued an opinion upon anonymization techniques identifying what kind of conducts convert identifiable data into anonymous data for privacy law purposes in order to give guidelines at the topic. According the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46 in assessing whether a person is identifiable through the processed data, account should be taken of all the means “likely easonably” to be used either by the controller or by any other person to identify the said person. (suite…)

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Le droit à la vie privée a gagné Google

La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a annoncé que les droits des personnes, dont la vie privée est violée, l’emportent sur l’intérêt public général. google_search
Le tribunal de l’Union européenne a rendu sa décision le 13 mai 2014 en faveur des partisans du droit à la vie privée, en statuant qu’il peut être requis par Google de supprimer les informations sensibles à partir des résultats de recherches sur Internet. (suite…)

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The top 5 DoS attacks

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are among the most feared threats in today’s cybersecurity landscape.
The most hated man of internet
Hunter Moore, also known as the most hated man of internet, was arrested by the American authorities in January, facing 10 years in prison. A man with many enemies, as his website specialized at revenge porn, he has been collecting photos and videos of intimate moments from recently separated couples. Needless to mention that the majority of the people figuring in this website had never given their permission. (suite…)

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