On Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 was decided the judgement in appeal in the case of the racist and anti-semitic tweets. This one comes to refuse Twitter further to its appeal trained against the decision of the county court of Paris ordering it to communicate its information on the authors of these tweets.

The case began in October, 2012 when hashtags #unbonjuif (#agoodjew) or still #unjuifmort (#adeadjew) appeared on the network Twitter. At the end of November, Twitter will be assigned by five associations like the Union of the Jewish students of France, the international action for the justice or still SOS racism. It is only at the end of January that the county court of Paris ordered Twitter to communicate to associations « data in its ownership which are relevant to allow the identification of whoever contributed to the creation of the obviously illicit tweets « . So, the Court of Appeal comes to confirm this request.
Twitter tells then they are ready to communicate this information but under the condition of the delivery of an international rogatory commission. For the managers, even if a subsidiary of the company exists in France, all the data are stored and treated on the American servers, it would thus be necessary to ask for an American authorities’ opinion. However, the French jurisdictions are not of the same opinion. Twitter shows itself reluctant because it can lose a lot with this condemnation in particular about its image which aims to be to protect at all costs their users. Furthermore, if Twitter complies with this condemnation, it would go out of the American jurisdiction and the evolution of it which it masters.
Twitter does not plan to stop there and envisages certainly a second appeal. In every case, a new stage will also begin in September, 2013 at the penal level because the union of studying Jews of France attacked president Dick Costolo for insult and racial defamation.