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How has Spotify made us forget about privacy with Spotify Wrapped?

“What did your 2021 sound like? Did you fall back in love with a past favourite artist, sample a genre you’d never listened to before, or binge true crime podcasts for the first time ever? However you streamed, it was uniquely you, and uniquely 2021.” This is how Spotify introduced…

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La K-pop – une industrie culturelle tellement importante

La Corée du Sud avait réussi à établir une influence culturelle grâce à la K-pop. Cette industrie musicale a joué un rôle très important dans le succès de la vague culturelle Sud-Coréenne – la Hallyu dans tout l’Asie et partout dans le monde.   De la chance, une stratégie bien…

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Apple changing the tune…a bit too late?

The expiration of the free trial is scheduled for September 30, but according to a US survey, the majority of the 11 million users of the service do not intend to renew their subscription. (suite…)

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Streaming, the new way to listen music.

Compacts discs are dead and well-buried 6 feet under. Physical sales in the music industry are progressively decreasing, benefiting to digital sales.

Digital revenues are contesting income from disk sales. Trendy, a couple years ago, streaming has become the main way for music consumption.We can make the transition from the music’s property to the music’s access.



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Better access to online music in Europe?

While aiming at better access to online music in Europe ,the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament adopted a new directive on collective management of copyright and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online use in the single market. The Directive was published on 20 March 2014 in the EU Official Journal. It entered into force on 9 April 2014 and Members States have to transpose the Directive into domestic law by 10 April 2016 at the latest.
The directive:
At this time, a lot of websites forbid consumers to download music or eBooks if they don’t live in the country where the website is based. This is legal. Protection of an author’s rights is often given as a reason. This is the case for La Fnac or Amazon. This situation hinders the realization of a real single market. The aim of the directive is to improve management of copyright and cross-border licensing of online music. Online retailers and music streaming services won’t have to obtain a copyright license in every EU member state. With this new legal framework, they will be able to get them from collective management organizations which work across borders.  Concerning authors, it will ensure that their rights are better protected and their royalties paid more quickly. (suite…)

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