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  • Post category:Digital divide

Russia said that Apple works with the USA Government, and also that Apple allows the USA government to hack iPhones and use them for spying.

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claims that the USA has an espionage operation through Apple iPhones and that Apple cooperates with the American government to do so.

A lot of questions arose on the subject above:

Is that true? And if yes, is this just with Russia or with all the countries? Did all our data that have been collected through our iPhones are accessible to the USA Government?

Apple denied its cooperation with the US government and indicated that they have never worked with any government to install malware on any of its Apple products and that they will never do so.

However, Eugene Kaspersky, a Russian cybersecurity expert, said that a lot of his employees’ phones were compromised in this operation. Kaspersky also confirmed that he was not the main target of this attack, but a lot of workers in top and middle management, diplomats and also NATO members.

According to Harvard University’s Belfer Center Cyber 2022 Power Index, the USA is the strongest when it comes to cyberattacks in terms of capability and intent. It’s said that American intelligence has been using IT corporations for decades in order to spy and collect personal, private and confidential data/information.

Accordingly, the Kremlin advise preparing a 2024 Russia without iPhones to avoid any espionage or data transfer to the USA.

Can you imagine the power of the US government if the above is true?

And what if the US government does this with all of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft – ‘the GAFAM’?