
Source : https://tnapostrophe.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/facebook-et-twitter-ce-que-vous-avez-rate-pendant-lete/

Every social network is inspired by others : let’s see how Twitter is in competition with the big social network Facebook and how it is influenced.
“THE DNA of Twitter has never changed since the beginning. We are live, public and interactive at the same time, it is unique. We are more and more live. When there is something in the world, we know it ten at fifteen minutes before any other media. We allow the people to be heard which is what establishes our strength and our commitment” defends Damien Viel, DG of Twitter France on Twitter and its place regarding other social networks.
“Twitter suffers for several years of a lack of innovation. Opposite, new platforms are capable of attracting new members, developping loyalty and increasing interactions by using intelligent tools (recommendation, analysis of data, location, etc. …)” explains Jennifer Polk, analyst in Gartner Institute.
Facebook is the most powerful social network of the world with its billion and half of users. Twitter and its 310 million active users stays still far behind. However, a competition remains obvious especially in the common inspirations of both networks.
During several years, Twitter had no income and no economic model reality. Facebook, on the contrary, very fast bets on advertising income and not Twitter because of a system not allowing to value the advertising publications.
In 2010, the site of microblogging raises 200 million dollars and didn’t reach, today, its profitability.
The passage in 10 000 signs for tweets could be a vector of its survival.
Twitter indeed has the will to pass of 140 characters with 10.000 characters in the style of a Facebook. Other influence of the network: the passage of the chronological order of tweets in an algorithm which will put forward the most relevant for the user in the style of Facebook. This feature gives the possibility to the Internet user to reveal at the head of its thread of current events. Twitter thus introduced so a deep modification into its functioning, by turning to an algorithm determining the centers of interests of the user.
Other novelty, the passage of the button FAV (favorite) in the button heart (I like) inspired by Facebook.
Twitter also wished to make more readable threads, to give more place to the images and to the video or still, to integrate a function survey.
Twitter opened the messaging deprived in the conversations of group, a novelty imitating the system of Facebook. The social network also announces that videos can be filmed, published and shared directly since the mobile application of Twitter.
On Facebook, we use from now on the hashtags of Twitter. Facebook also set up for his American users, a feature allowing to follow live American football matches and to comment on them inspired by Twitter.
The company had also improved its search engine, which can make all the public messages go back up dedicated to a subject, as on Twitter. The American Internet users can reach thus from now on easily contents exceeding their circle of friends.
However, Facebook would stay lagging behind with regard to Twitter on the real time: the speed of publication and retweet made of Twitter the platform favored to follow live events, that it is about current events, about sporting events or about television programs
Facebook is diversifying : by acquiring games in reality virtual (Oculus), with connected training (Protogeo oy), with photo (Instagram) or with instant messaging (Whatsapp). Facebook wants to combine various tools on various battlements to become a variety of applications and services of which none will be in direct link with its social network of origin.
When in Twitter, it would concentrate on the current events tending to become a main flow of the real-time information or another huge platform concentrating all the tools connected in the course of current events. The way inverts of Facebook.
Indeed, the users of Facebook see arriving the information on their wall with a certain gap with regard toTwitter and the organization of the publications with a powerful algorithm.Twitter shouldn’t be general like Facebook but specific in particular on a strong proportion of companies which use it. Indeed, that it is for their customer relationship with community managers or their communication, companies (big, averages, startups) use enormously the network for their customers, their competitors, their products.
Twitter has the means to take out there: its system is simple, accessible, open on the world with numerous possibilities: professional, entertaining, citizens …
Let us leave the time to his new leader, Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter), returned in October, 2015, to save the most interactive platform of the world.
11265217_384886821720850_1224124107_n-150x150Charles-Antoine Jaubert – Etudiant en Master 2 Droit de l’économie numérique à l’Université de Strasbourg. Juriste, passionné par le droit des nouvelles technologies et les questions relatives aux données personnelles, propriété intellectuelle, réseaux sociaux, médias et musique en ligne