A massive cyber-attack in China

On Sunday 25th August 2013 China was hit by the “largest ever” cyber-attack on its internet network. As a consequence, all access to .cn websites was blocked for several hours, according to a government-linked agency. In other words, many Chinese websites went temporarily offline.  Source (photo): http://www.foxnews.com According to the “China…

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Awox Striim Light: The musical lightbulb

The French company AwoX, which is based in Montpellier, is riding a wave of success with the development of the Internet of things. This year, the company has started selling three remote-controlled entertainment tools: StriimSTICK, StriimLINK and StriimLIGHT. The StriimLIGHT lightbulb is able to play music from your smartphone…what a…

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