Big data end e-skills for successful retail businesses

Retailers should embrace big data and e-skills in a sector more and more influenced by technology.
E-commerce is not the only solution. Big data and digital skills can also help retail stores turn into success stories.  Brick and mortar retail stores are not doomed to slowly disappear in the age of online shopping and m-commerce.
But retailers must embrace big data and digital skills if they want to succeed in a sector increasingly under the influence of modern technologies, according to an UK government report, entitled Sector Insights: skills and performance challenges in the retail sector. (suite…)

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The eternal patent war between Apple and Samsung

On September 9th 2014, Apple presented the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Samsung tackled with a series of commercials, mocking the company’s lack of innovation. Just another addition to the precedent “war” of patent infringement between them. The legal dispute began in the US. Then spread over Europe and the rest of the world. apple samsung (suite…)

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L’économie collaborative: le contexte

Enfant de la crise économique que nous traversons, l’économie collaborative est la réponse à un modèle de vie qui ne correspondait plus à la réalité économique. L’économie collaborative se base sur la dynamique relationnelle des gens et a par conséquent des extensions sociales.image éco collaborative (suite…)

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Les limites juridiques de l’Internet des Objets

Le marché de l’Internet des Objets a un fort potentiel de croissance dans les années à venir. Le potentiel de croissance de ce marché d’avenir est bien réel. Néanmoins, ce secteur n’est pas encore mature et son contexte juridique est instable. Il faut anticiper les nouvelles régulations mais aussi bien connaître les législations existantes qui s’y rattachent dans l’Internet des Objets afin de tirer un meilleur profit des informations des utilisateurs dont la valeur actuelle peut être une source de grande richesse                             (suite…)

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Amazon’s new Kindle policy for royalties’ compensation

Amazon announced the change of its Kindle policy (Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library) concerning payment of loyalties to self-published authors which will be based from 1st of July 2015 on the number of pages read.

Article 13- Anna


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Skimming, the first card based fraud and cash losses

 In 2014, 5.631 skimming attacks were reported in Europe. It represents a loss that exceed 275 Million EUR. But the US is the most affected by this criminal technique. Indeed, the US doesn’t use the EMV standard. With these figures, it’s easy to appreciate the threat of skimming on our life.

Article 9 - Skimming, image 1 - Lienhardt Jean-Laurent


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