For years, rumours have circulated about Amazon, the most famous pure player, working on a 3D smartphone. Last week, the rumour became a reality. At a press conference in Seattle, the headquarters of Amazon, Jeff Bezos has set June 18, 2014 as the date for the presentation of a new tool. Is it for the 3D Smartphone that Amazon has been talking about for years?
A video on YouTube encourages users to think it could be the presentation of the new 3D Smartphone. In this video, users move the head from one side to the other and throw comments like: « It’s amazing, it’s something I’ve never seen…”. This clip must surely refer to the smartphone’s user interface.

People often associate the 3D with glasses. But on this video people use the device without glasses and they realize turning their head that it is a device in three dimensions. This operates using several cameras placed on the front of the device, following the movements of the eye to display 3D elements.
The outstanding novelty of this device is that the user can interact with the interface by tilting the smartphone. It’s simple, the user tilts the handheld mobile to open the menu without having to make touch gestures. Of course, the user has the possibility to control the device with one hand. Two months ago and even last month, the site BGR published photos of this smartphone.
Just like the Kindle Fire tablet, the smartphone should run on a modified version of Android, Google’s mobile operating system. Amazon will remove the services offered by competitors and replace them with its bookstore, its application store, movies, songs or with a streaming video service.
The interest of the Seattle Company is not making money on the sale of those terminals, but to give people another distribution channel such as the Kindle or Kindle Fire tablets. The price of this smartphone will probably be around 349 € like Google’s Nexus 5.
Amazon’s goal with this release is to catch up on the sale of digital content (such as music, ebooks, movies, etc..).
According to the BGR website, Amazon could introduce this smartphone with a commercial offer called Prime Data. The details are still unknown but this program-sponsored data will provide users with some advantage. This offer allows users to surf on an application without the data being counted, thus it’s the developer who’ll pay the bill. The mobile user can therefore watch as many movies as he wants on the service without fear of exceeding his bundle. This is a good marketing idea to compete with Samsung and Apple.
The one still having doubts about the new smartphone will therefore take a look at the Amazon site and will look at the Amazon invitation for submission of June 18. The prototype resembles the model that BGR has published on its website. For more information, follow the presentation on June 18, 2014.

Étudiant en M2 Commerce électronique, passionné de nouvelles technologies, de sport et de tout ce qui touche au monde des communications/marketing.
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