In Australia, sharks are on Twitter !

Recently, the state of Western Australia tagged more than 330 sharks to monitor their movements near public beaches, and to warn surfers and swimmers.

The animals are tagged with acoustic transmitters to track them. The scientists tagged three species, which are often involved in attacks : great whites, whaler sharks and tiger sharks. (suite…)

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Twitter optimizes its interface to improve discussions

Twitter offers an evolution of its interface to optimize the monitoring of discussions that people have on the social network. Other changes will be made to the micro-blogging platform, especially in terms of security of its application.
Indeed, the most famous micro-blogging platform announced an update of its application on Android and iOS, including a new interface for discussions. This will make it easier to follow the threads that are interesting. This evolution is present visually:

  • A blue line shows a conversation between people you follow
  • The first Tweet now appears above the last answer
  • One click lets you see all the answers, and all the people

Sans titre2

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Trade tweets for treats with Kellogg’s Tweet Shop

If celebrities can earn thousands of dollars for tweeting about a company, why should we do it for free? Well, with Kellogg’s ephemeral tweet shop, people can at least get a bag of crisps for doing the same.

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In fact, from September 20th to September 28th, Kellogg’s opened the world’s first “tweet shop” in Soho, London, to launch its latest Special K range of Cracker Crisps, where people can pay for food with social currency.
It means that, people entering this shop, can choose between the 3 tweets on the tweet menu, or create their own (and of course) “positive” tweet and send them to their followers, adding the hash tag #tweetshop in exchange for a free bag of crisps.

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L’élection américaine se hisse au rang d’événement le plus tweeté de l’histoire politique américaine

Les réseaux sociaux sont aujourd’hui incontournables et l’élection présidentielle américaine l’a une fois de plus démontré. Avec plus de 31 millions de tweets, cette élection s’est hissée au rang d’événement le plus tweeté de l’histoire de l’Amérique.

Si Barack Obama a vaincu Mitt Romney, il est indéniable que la bataille aura eu son poids sur les réseaux sociaux.

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