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Credit : Wilson

Wilson’s airless 3D basketball

In recent years, the world of sports has undergone numerous technological innovations. Some advances are intended to improve performance, others to keep players healthy. The novelty we will talk about in this article is the basketball of the future, by Wilson. 3D printing enters the world of basketball This basketball…

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Smart Building : the revolution of the 3D printer !

The 3D printer was created between 1983 and 1986 by Charles Hull and the first three-dimensional printer was officially marketed in 1986. Its democratization is due to its wide affordability, making it nowadays revolutionary because it allows to almost print everything.   What is a 3D Printer?   “A 3D printer,…

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Le père de l'imprimante 3D récompensé

Chaque année, l’Office Européen des Brevets récompense les meilleurs inventeurs européens. En 2014, c’est l’américain Charles Hull, considéré comme le père de l’imprimante 3D, qui a été récompensé dans la catégorie « pays non européen ».

Charles Hull (Source :


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3D printer used to save lives

Despite all this talk about the plastic guns that can be created by a 3D printer, this incredible technology can also accomplish extraordinary achievements in medicine. In fact, a tiny airway splint was created by a 3D printer and saved a three-month-old baby’s life.

Source :

Kaiba was born with a rare respiratory condition, affecting about 1 of 2.200 babies, which caused his airways to collapse and the loss of the ability to breathe on his own.  Despite the fact that he was intubated, he needed to be resuscitated on a daily basis. According to the mother, “quite a few doctors said he had a good chance of not leaving the hospital alive« .


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