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Would you mind switch to biometrics payment?
Amazon’s biometrics payment method are doing well in the USA. The company’s to deploy this solution on their 65 stores Whole Foods in California.
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Customers can now pay at the checkout by scanning their hands above a reader. Amazon’s customers no longer need their credit card or their mobile phone.

After they subscribe to this service, called Amazon One, and entering his customer informations, wich are the credit card number, mobile phone and biometrics, Amazon Customer can hang out at one of the 65 stores buying what he need without using any of his traditional payment methods.

Interesting for some and critical for others, this service is indeed threatening for the biometric data of the customers. A year ago, US senators expressed their fears to Amazon executives. The company being vague on the purposes of this biometric data collected.

Unlike Apple, for example, which stores its customers’ biometric data locally in their phones, Amazon stores this sensitive data in the cloud, which involves the risk of leaks.

Added to this are the purposes of storage. What does Amazon intend to do with all its data? Will it do targeted advertising or rather tracking?

For now, Amazon offers this service in its own stores. Faced with pressure from the American justice system and the bad rumors circulating around this service, several partners preferred not to offer this payment method in their stores. For now.



Source :

Usine Digitale – Amazon accélère le déploiement de son système de paiement biométrique 

Usine Digitale – Que deviennent les données biométriques issue de la technologie de paiement Amazon One