The HADOPI (“Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur Internet” in french) has published a report on November, 30th 2017 to describe its activity from 2016 to 2017 concerning the tracking of piracy.
One of the aims of this independent administrative authority, created in 2009, has always been to fight against piracy on the Internet. To do so, HADOPI has put in place a system of sanction in three steps to punish such behavior:
The last report published by the authority shows that the number of cases sent to tribunals has increased by 30% compared to last year: 889 files have been transmitted to the French Parquet between July of 2016 and June of 2017. The activity of the authority never stopped to increase in the last years, but is however not really efficient. Indeed, since 2016 in France, several studies showed that there were 14 millions of internet surfers who went on websites of piracy, including more than 7 millions who illegally download files.
Internet pirates seem to have peaceful days in front of them, even though the HADOPI continues to send more cases to tribunals in the future.