On November 3rd 2017, Apple launched it’s new smartphone. Apple stores got saturated quickly with the sounds of the waiting crowds, which could be heard and seen as for each launch of a product by this brand, but this time the quantity available in stock was limited.
The IPhone 8 saw its production reduced by 50%, as it did not manage to meet expectations at the time of its release on September 22nd 2017. This is due to the faithful buyers of Apple impatiently longing for the famous IPhone X. Indeed, the latter was released a few weeks later. This high-end smartphone shows innovative characteristics. It is the first IPhone to sport an OLED screen and be powered by the A11 bionic chip, which is the most powerful and the most intelligent processor ever seen in a smartphone with “up to 600 billion operations per second”. It is also equipped with a TrueDepth camera which enables facial recognition, which did not exist before in any other IPhone.
In addition, these improvements involve difficulties in the production. This is why one could consider that there exists a shortage with the launching since, according to the analyst Ming-Chi KUO of KGI, only 2 to 3 million units were available at the opening of the preorders, whereas there were 10 million for the previous IPhone 8 and its equivalents. This proves the complexity of the production and shows the level of new technologies and techniques involved in the realization, but also the value of this connected object.
Thus, the IPhone X leads the sales of its predecessor and the demand for the IPhone X is “off the charts”. Apple reached record sales for the first time since 2015 thanks to this innovative product.