Nimb is a smart ring with a panic button that helps you feel safe by secretly notifying preset contacts when you are in trouble

The Nimb Ring, which includes a panic button, is a perfect solution for those who have ever been in an unsafe situation and understand that creeping sensation of dread or worry that no one may help you. This smart ring sends immediately an emergency alert through the Nimb mobile app…

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Le Remarketing sur le réseau Display : avantages et inconvénients

Le remarketing est une technique webmarketing de ciblage qui permet d’identifier les personnes ayant déjà visité votre site web pour leur présenter des annonces lorsqu’elles naviguent sur Google ou des sites du réseau Display. L'objectif est de les faire revenir afin de générer des conversions. Qu’est-ce que le réseau Display ?             …

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A team of Russian and American scientists created the world’s most advanced quantum computer.

Harvard scientists from Russia and the United States have created the world’s first quantum computer, consisting of 51 qubits. As reported in July 2017 by Harvard University professor and co-founder of the Russian quantum center, Mikhail Lukin, this 51 qubit quantum computer has been created by using a technique called…

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Déploiement de la fibre optique en Alsace avec Rosace

Depuis quelques mois maintenant, Rosace déploie la fibre optique à travers les départements alsaciens afin d’apporter le très haut débit dans les territoires ruraux où l’accès Internet est faible, voire quasi inexistant. Dans le cadre du Plan France Très Haut Débit, ce réseau d’initiative publique accompagne le développement numérique des…

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Artificial Intelligence: Why It Is So Dangerous

Many people think that artificial intelligence is dangerous. As strange as it may seem, one of the biggest businessmen, Elon Musk, keeps saying that this technology needs a legal framework. Artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is « intelligence exhibited by machines, rather than humans or other animals ». We can list as artificial…

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Online shopping continues to grow strongly

In the second quarter of 2017, the amount of Internet purchases increased by 11% to 19.5 billion euros, according to the federation of e-commerce enterprises. "E-commerce continues to be democratized," said Jamila Yahia-Messaoud, director of the Ad'hoc department of Médiamétrie, on the occasion of the presentation on Fevad (the professional…

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Alipay intends to expand ten million Japanese native users in the coming three years

Not long ago, it was reported that Alipay entered the Japanese market in 2015 shortly after Chinese tourists wildly purchased Japanese products. In a period of long time, Alipay has been dominated by Chinese consumers in Japan. However, Nikkei News reports that Alipay intends to start the business of cellphone…

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