Sleep is one of the most important element of health which should not be neglected in order to be efficient in every day’s life.
According to the INSIV (Institut national du sommeil et de la vigilance) 40 percent of French people suffer from sleeping disorders. But one more time technology could be helpful in this domain.
Like our physical activity, sleep is an element more and more taken into account by digital players.
Among their products we can list the smart alarm clock “Aura” made by the French company “Withing”, the connected lightball “SleepCompanion” developed by the French start-up “Holîou” or the smart sleeping mask “NeurOn” from the Polish company “IntelClinic”.
These connected devices will allow an analyse of our sleep and the computation of data on a smartphone in order to help for a better sleep through miscellaneous functionalities.
The first point to take into account for a good night of sleep is obviously the capacity of falling asleep.
Aura and SleepCompanion use a relaxation program : indeed each one will boost the absence of tension by diffusing soft light and music, like sea waves sounds, in order to create a suitable environment for sleeping.
Then each product will, in its own way, analyse the sleep of the user by gathering data : a sensor to slip under your mattress will be delivered with the bedside device of Aura, this sensor will analyse all your movements, your heart rate and breathing while you’re asleep.
Some sensors fixed on SleepCompanion, will allow to determine the noise in the room whereas NeurOn masks brain waves, eyes movements, muscular tension.
All these data will be gathered and analysed through smartphone’s application devoted to each product then advices could be dispensed to the user like optimal sleeping time or solutions he can try to reduce sleep disorders.
The third feature taken into account is the alarm clock, actually who like being awaken with the yell from the alarm clock ? Nobody I guess.
The three previous devices have in common the function “gentle wake up”: analysis of sleeper’s data will allow the device to know the sleeping rhythm of that person and will wake him up at the right time, in other words during a light sleep phase avoiding that feeling of tiredness.
The waking is done by the spread of sounds and soft lights which brightens gradually until the total awaking of the sleeper.
Thomas Bertrand
Etudiant en Master 2 Droit de l’économie numérique. Optimiste concernant les nouvelles technologies et attaché au droit du numérique.