Google has prepared his augmented reality glasses for a long time.
It is a revolution in the High Tech world, this small concentration of technology stirs fantasies in all users, even though it is not out yet.
Truly, having in your eyes, wherever you may be, all the information you need may be one of the greatest revolutions in this hyper-connected world in which we live.
We all imagine all the possibilities offered by his connected glasses, like Gmail or Google+, the New York Times, Eernote and Skitch will exploit the photo / video sensor goggles for sharing multimedia content and frankly, it is awesome!
But beyond the technological prowess of Google, these glasses as we can easily imagine, are quite likely to revolutionize, stirring up the whole universe of communications and of our smartphones.
Simply because Google is revolutionizing the way we interact and communicate with our devices, they make possible the dialogue and voice commands in a very natural way with its “Glass.” And what could be more natural than voice?
The Bloomberg agency says that the launch of the search engine’s connected glasses could be done before the end of 2013, for less than 1500 euros.