Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are among the most feared threats in today’s cybersecurity landscape.
The most hated man of internet
Hunter Moore, also known as the most hated man of internet, was arrested by the American authorities in January, facing 10 years in prison. A man with many enemies, as his website specialized at revenge porn, he has been collecting photos and videos of intimate moments from recently separated couples. Needless to mention that the majority of the people figuring in this website had never given their permission.
Lucifer with a « G »
The Rumanian police arrested in January Marcel Lazar Lehel, a hacker also known as Guccifer. He became famous when he hacked George H.W. Bush’s and other well known politicians private e-mail accounts almost a year ago. This attack triggered the scandal that implicated the USA’s secretary, Colin Powell and his passionate electronic correspondence towards the Rumanian diplomat, Corina Cretu.
A young Russian pirate
Alexander Panin, 24 years old, was found guilty for conspiracy to the creation of a program destined to empty bank accounts and is now facing 10 years in prison. Also known as
“Gribodemon” and “Harderman” he was the creator of the SpyEye, the malware that infected over than 1,4 million computers in more than 250 finance organizations around the world.
A Bitcoin dealer
Charlie Shrem, director of BitInstant, was accused for money laundring from the black market users, also known as Silk Road. The 24 years old director, who was also vice-president of the nonprofit organization “Bitcoin Foundation”, has a 30 years of imprisonment to face up against.
The Ukranian police arrested a pirate known as Staline or 4×4, accused of stealing over 9 million dollars. Accused for various crimes, such as production and commercialization of filters, a type of machine, used secretly for automated distributors, in order to capture the consumer’s personal banking data, Staline is now up against 12 years in prison for committing fraud.
DSC01153Stéphanie MIHAIL
Étudiante en M2 Droit de l’économie numérique à l’UdS, avocate en Grèce et membre du barreau d’Athènes.
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A propos de Stéphanie Mihail