On the Internet, a troll is someone who talks about a controversial subject and provokes strong reactions and endless discussions.
They are everywhere on the Internet. They post aggressive comments that we see every day. Now we are used to such gratuitous violence on social networks.
At the beginning figures of the web culture, hidden behind its screen with a geek T=shirt, the trolls have grown since the arrival of social networks.
Life on networks has become « real life » and now appears as the public square or coffee shop where all issues of society are addressed (elections, terrorism, feminism, etc.) and the virtual attacks are more and more virulent. We are in the era of digital hysteria.
The troll is the person who will feed the discussion or the debate in order to artificially create a polemic, which is not constructive, either to play the disruptor and fill the boredom, or in order to hurt and gratuitously insult, or to defend his cause.

Source : Knowyourmeme.com

During conducive times for debates, you’ve all seen your cousin or your buddy shouting loud in comments and maybe you’ve already had the irresistible urge to respond to these trolls. Does each one have a troll that sleeps within them?
Where does this aggressiveness come from?
It is undeniable that the media have something to do with it, today every TV show has debates where the animators insult and speak all at the same time before discussing. Some are followers of these clash and punch lines. Similarly, they do everything to make public opinion react, posting sensationalist content on social networks, because the more comments they have, the more visibility they have.
Source : Realfarmacy.com

The best-known troll to date? Donald Trump who maintains relations with conspiracy websites from which he relays the information on his Twitter account.
Then a single advice, failing to be able to annihilate it: do not feed the troll.