If you are a startup and you want to have a great web site you should know that, despite the rise in other marketing channels, email is still a powerful tool in driving newcomers to your site as well as keeping current client and engaged.
But currently, your newsletters and promotional emails are being sent from a combination of your email client your CRM your website and your mass mailing service provider.
Having separate and incompatible system working at the same task is a nuisance to manage and it’s a challenge to unify recipient data.
Not very efficient! The solution is an Email Marketing tool.
A fully integrated Email Marketing tool will allow you to create, manage, and send successful emails with staggering results.
By segmenting your audience, you can send each segment highly relevant emails. And with relevant emails driving 18 times more revenue than broadcast emails.
Now if you want to make sure your recipients will be able to appreciate your email on any device, you should find a solution that offers you option of checking how your email looks to all your recipients!
Now you are ready to create your content!
Personalizing email based on your contact’s data and behavior is key to increasing engagement and building trust with your prospective customers. It shows you care and respond directly to their needs. And by offering exactly what they want, you show that you pay attention to their wants and deliver on their specific wishes. Like a good old trusted friend.
Once you send your email for you have to analyze your emailing report to find out why your email was successful or not?
You need multilevel view on your email marketing efforts so that not only can you get a great overview of bounced email rates, open rates, clicks rates and other metrics but you can also home in on a single user for lead intelligence.
Etudiant en Master Commerce-électronique
Assistant au département Développement des Ressources chez Vaincre la Mucoviscidose