L’ère numérique et l’école

L’école entre dans l’ère numérique. Le plan numérique annonce 500 écoles et collèges connectés dès 2015, ce qui concernera plus de 70 000 élèves et 8 000 enseignants qui expérimenteront de nouvelles formes d’enseignement et d’apprentissage grâce au numérique.

ecole numerique (suite…)

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Domain names: more extensions for increased cybersquatting

Domain names are deeply rooted in our cyberculture. Companies have used them for a long time, often to display their trademarks and settle their digital identity. This is the reason why they should be aware of cybersquatting threats, and define new strategies to prevent it. Especially when the number of new gTLDs is exploding…

domain names cybersquatting
Source: http://tweakyourbiz.com/technology/files/An-Expensive-Lesson-In-Domain-Names.jpg


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A booming market-Business IoT

The market research company Juniper Research has concluded that growth on the IoT (Internet of Things) market will come mainly from the business segment in areas such as retail, agriculture, smart buildings and smart grids.
The business-end sector of IoT devices is gaining ground. The market of Internet of Things (IoT) will grow up to 38 billion devices by 2020. This is what Juniper Research is estimating, and it represents an increase of 285% compared to the 13.4 billion of devices currently in use. (suite…)

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