La livraison de marchandises par drone selon Google: le projet Wing

Après Amazon et le teasing de son service Prime Air, c’est au tour du géant de Mountain View de dévoiler ses ambitions pour le nouveau moyen de livraison que sont les drones. Un projet tout droit sorti du laboratoire secret GoolgeX, c’est à dire combien cette expérimentation représente une vision d’avenir pour le spécialiste de la recherche, au même titre que les lunettes connectées, le projet loon ou les voitures sans chauffeur.
C’est dans la région du Queensland au nord de l’Australie que l’entreprise californienne a expérimenté la livraison de marchandises par drone. Sur l’aspect technique, ces appareils se démarquent sensiblement de la concurrence. Ils ressemblent à une aile volante de 1,5m d’envergure et pesant 8,5kg, équipée de 4 moteurs pour lui permettre de décoller à la verticale puis de voler horizontalement tel un avion. Lors de la livraison, la machine se met en vol stationnaire à quelques dizaines de mètres de hauteur puis fait descendre la marchandise à l’aide d’un câble, le poids du colis pouvant atteindre 1,5kg. Une fois la marchandise récupérée, le câble remonte et le drone peut retourner à son point de départ ou à tout autre point GPS pour lequel il aura été programmé.
Même si le projet Wing est présenté comme un service pouvant permettre la livraison de produit de première nécessité notamment en cas de catastrophe, nul doute que le géant de la recherche voit également ces aéronefs comme un moyen de livrer des marchandises commerciales.

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Why Net neutrality has to be preserved

The Net neutrality principle, coined by Tim Wu professor in 2003, review to non discrimination and transparency in bringing traffic on the public network. As we will see, this principle is also a synonym for liberty and equality.
From a semantic point of view, neutrality especially means impartiality and objectivity, which fits to technicity. Indeed, all data is being brought and treated in the same way on the Internet, from their origin point to their final destination. Concretely, the network does not take any account of the content of the packet which will be processed. Then, the ways of blocking the datas’ transmission, traffic damages or the slowdown of the traffic, related to the datas’ type, origin and destination go against the net neutrality principle.
Internet has to remain out of any influences from the States and companies. The network must stay accessible for all with the same access conditions worldwide.
According to this principle, « any user must have, through the network, an access to the whole content, services and applications available on the Internet, however each person delivers or uses them»   according to the ARCEP.
With this being said, the respect of public order requires to control illicit content and other illicit behavior. Net neutrality does not mean that Internet is a law free zone but on the contrary, the law must lead to make the Internet a place where anyone can post contents in the same conditions. According to professor Tim Wu, no operator should operate restrictions between applications and content shared on the network. He insists on equal treatment of all the actors on the network. Communications network have to aim for neutrality. (suite…)

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A new product by Google and Novartis : smart contact lenses

Google always finds a way to surprise us with its innovative technologies and products in which the company is investing substantial financial resources. The Google Glass, the smartphones Ara and Tango, the Google Self-Driving cars and the new generation robots are just some of its ambitious projects.
Last week, Google officially announced its plans to collaborate with Novartis in the creation of smart contact lenses. The company will collaborate with engineers from the Alcon division of Novartis, in order to accelerate the market penetration. (suite…)

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Google’s « Project Zero » to reduce Internet vulnerabilities

In a post published on July 15th 2014, Google’s Online Security blog announced the launch of Project Zero, a team of “best practically-minded security researchers” – hackers – to work in favour of internet security.

Binary Matrix Security

The aim of this team and project is to put an end to major internet vulnerabilities and making sure “you [are] able to use the web without fear that a criminal or state-sponsored actor […] exploiting software bugs to infect your computer, steal secrets or monitor your communications.” (suite…)

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Russian data storage law approved by the lower house of the parliament

On the 4th of July (!), the lower house of the Russian parliament (the State Duma), approved by 325 votes against 65 a bill obliging foreign Internet companies to store Russian citizens’ personal data on servers within the Russian Federation.
1. When will this new law come into action?
The law, signed the 22th of July also by the President Vladimir Putin and still awaiting the approval of the upper house, the Federation Council would come into force Sept. 1, 2016 giving both foreign and domestic internet companies enough time to create data-storage facilities in Russia.
2. To whom will this law apply to?
The law will apply to social networking, messaging services (e-mail), foreign search engines (e.g. Google) and any company that stores data from (or about) a Russian citizen (online booking, social networks, procurement Services, consulates of foreign embassies, VPN). They will be required to “ensure registration, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating and retrieval of personal data” of Russian citizens via a server built and approved by the government. So, in order to continue to operate in Russia, they will be required to transfer some of their servers within the country. (suite…)

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