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Les challenges de conservation d’art numérique

Depuis des millénaires, l'art a pris diverses formes : peinture dans les grottes, sculptures en métal ou en pierre, images, sons et mouvements par ordinateur. Récemment, de nombreuses initiatives ont vu le jour pour numériser l'art physique dans l'espoir de le préserver pour les générations futures et de le rendre…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Les NFTs, ou l’art 2.0, c’est quoi au juste ?

Les NFTs, ou l’art 2.0, c’est quoi au juste ?

Les NFTs, ou l’art 2.0, c’est quoi au juste ? À première vue, ce concept parait peu évident. Un NFT, pour Non Fungible Token, est à priori un certificat numérique qui atteste l’authenticité d’un objet… virtuel ! Il faut dire que ce n’est pas aussi simple que ça. Voyons ça plus en…

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When art and digital meet each other (3/3)

Previously, we’ve seen the different technologies attached to digital art : interaction, motion capture, augmented reality and 3D-printing. In this last part, let’s talk about the legal framework around digital art and especially copyright.

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Authors and works can benefit from protection under French law. In a world where counterfeiting proliferates, it is essential to have an appropriate legal framework, although as soon as we dabble the digital area, things get complicated. (suite…)

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Votre vie digitale matérialisée avec Qleek

Design et technologie en un
On vit dans un monde numérique et hyperconnecté. Le contenu dématérialisé règne notre quotidien. Une seule machine est capable à rassembler tous les témoignages de notre vie – les photos, les documents, la musique, etc. Après une décennie de dématérialisation de la plupart de nos rapports, une start-up française s’est donnée la mission de réinventer et de donner une nouvelle sensibilité à nos contenus virtuels.

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When art and digital meet each other (2/3)

Previously, we’ve seen what is digital art, who are the actors of this specific market and how it is valorized. In this part, let’s have a look at the different technologies attached to digital art : interaction, motion capture, augmented reality and 3D-printing.

Digital art obviously uses new technologies to develop its kind of creativity from interaction to augmented reality, from coding to 3D-printing. All of the seven arts can be transformed into digital art thanks to these technologies.

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When art and digital meet each other (1/3)

Since the beginning of time, art fascinates, surprises, leaves speechless, provokes questioning, takes us on journeys, stirs us up and sometimes even revolts us. Despite this ability to play with our emotions, the artistic community always want to go further, especially with the growing era of digital.
Digital art 1
We can consider that digital is serving art but can we really talk of digital art ? Many debates are taking place around this subject. Indeed, it is quite difficult to find one of the seven artistics disciplines “undigitalised” : music, dance, painting or even literature, all of them are connected to the present world. It is necessary to highlight the difference between digital art and contemporary art. Although similar in many points, there is an undisputable difference : the “systematic” use of an informatic tool. A digital work of art can be a contemporary one but the opposite can only be true if there is the use of a digital tool. (suite…)

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