Pourquoi utiliser des mots de passe distincts pour plusieurs comptes et comment peuvent-ils être stockés de façon sécurisée ?

  Actuellement, l’importance de la sécurisation des comptes personnels, ainsi que la création de mots de passe distincts et complexes devient de plus en plus importante. Le pourcentage d'attaques des hackers ou des personnes malveillantes augmente considérablement chaque année.   Dans le présent article de blog, on précisera quelles sont…

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Differences between decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional finance, concerning privacy

  Image Credits : Ledger Insight Decentralized finance appeared in 2009, with the emergence of bitcoin and its peer-to-peer concept to send money between users without an intermediate. • With this new concept, we can wonder if it could lead to changes concerning our rights, especially privacy and data protection.…

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Why we should encourage teleworking ?

Telework is a developing field of work. This type of work is only possible due to an improvement in information and communication technology (ICT). Because of this, technology is an essential component of the definition of telework. The benefits of teleworking The development of telework has to be encouraged because…

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